
"Eggsplosion" is a delightful and effortlessly accessible multiplayer game. Our primary objective in this project was to ensure its enjoyability at a gaming festival. The game accommodates a minimum of 2 players and supports up to 4 players simultaneously, be it through local play or online gaming using Steam Remote Play. The essence of the game is to have a cracking good time by making your fellow players' eggs go BOOM! You can either form teams and strategize or go for an all-out free-for-all showdown. As you step into the fluffy feathers of small chickens, you'll be greeted by a whirlwind of chaos, an abundance of power-ups, opportunities for teamwork, and, most importantly, endless fun across three unique maps.

What did I do?

In this project, I had the pleasure of putting together the team. I've found that in all my previous projects, the best results came when I collaborated with a group that I genuinely enjoyed working with – not necessarily the most skilled, but the most enjoyable to work alongside. So, I brought together a bunch of folks I knew would make a fantastic team, and it worked out just as I had hoped. I was the brains behind naming the game and played a significant role in shaping its overall design. Once we had our foundational design in place, I shifted my focus to the nitty-gritty of level design and creating captivating particle effects. As the project neared its conclusion, I even dabbled in some level redesign work and introduced a brand-new truck level for that extra touch of excitement.

What did I learn?

Discovering my strengths throughout this project was a bit of a journey. It became clear to me that I'm not the go-to person for the nitty-gritty technical aspects of design. While I have a solid understanding of how things function, it's not my forte. I thrive in environments where I can draw out the best from the people I work with, and where I can enthusiastically present and pitch concepts and ideas. This project offered me a valuable insight into this aspect of myself. In the process, I also delved into the workings of Unity's particle system and gained a good grasp of what it can accomplish. I picked up insights about text sizing in popups and understanding when elements are visible or not in logos and popups. Additionally, I ventured into the realm of level design, which turned out to be quite an eye-opener. It was when I took on the task of redesigning the farm level that I truly comprehended the significance of well-crafted level design. The revamped level not only looked more polished but also made the gameplay significantly more enjoyable.