
I'm Max Wierda

I've been pursuing a well-rounded design education to become a versatile designer. Game design is a strong passion of mine, and I find great satisfaction in working closely with others. For me, the most important aspect of work is finding enjoyment, which is why I always appreciate a good joke.

"An allround designer who wants to enjoy his work"

first two years of studying
In the fabulous year 2020, I kicked off my academic adventure at the age of 17. Initially, I had dreams of becoming a teacher, but life had other plans in store for me. I ultimately chose to dive headfirst into my current major, Creative Media & Game Technologies. Those first two years of study were anything but a breeze, especially with the chaotic arrival of Covid-19. Yet, I powered through, completing both years and even acing the first one with full credits. These two years weren't just about textbooks and lectures; they were also a crash course in discipline and efficiency, skills that turned out to be my secret weapons in the world of online learning.

My third year turned out to be a year of tremendous personal growth and self-discovery. I embarked on an internship journey at TRIMM, where I delved into the world of low-code technology. Although low-code wasn't exactly my cup of tea, this experience enriched me in unexpected ways, especially in understanding the dynamics of corporate life. It dawned on me that self-motivation is paramount, and the significance of a pleasant work environment filled with wonderful colleagues cannot be overstated. This revelation was an invaluable lesson in itself. During my internship, I had the privilege of being mentored by the remarkable Jeroen Wijnholds. He not only imparted knowledge about low-code but also shared wisdom that will undoubtedly benefit me throughout my life.

The second half of that year I spend in South Korea, Seoul. Doing an exchange minor at Soongsil University. During my minor I learned about Asian history, War history, Korean language and much more. Being on the opposite side of the world for a full half-year was a transformative experience, one that significantly enriched my personality and character. As an added bonus, I had the fantastic opportunity to visit other incredible destinations like Japan's bustling Tokyo and the enchanting landscapes of Vietnam along the way. It was nothing short of super cool!

Try hovering over the pictures!

Saxion year 1 and 2
September 2020-2022
Internship TRIMM
September 2022 - February 2023
Minor Soongsil
Exchange Student
February 2023 - June 2023
September 2023— present