Learning Hangul

What did I do?

I decided to dive into learning the Korean language when I was preparing for a minor trip to Korea. Initially, I was a bit hesitant because the Korean language looked quite different and seemed difficult. However, I've always enjoyed learning new languages, as I already speak Dutch, English, and some German. I tried formal Korean lessons at Soongsil University, but they weren't a good fit for me. So, I took matters into my own hands and started by learning the Hangul alphabet, the foundation of the Korean language. Visiting the Hangul Museum provided me with valuable insights into the history and significance of the Korean language. It was fascinating to learn about King Sejong's efforts to create a writing system that would be accessible to all, thus promoting literacy and education among the Korean population. Mastering Hangul wasn't too difficult for me; I was able to read and write it within about a month. However, I struggled with pronunciation and grammar, especially since Korean grammar is quite different from English. Despite encountering challenges, I'm proud of my progress. I've decided to focus on achieving proficiency in reading and writing rather than becoming fluent in spoken Korean. Although some teachers advised against further pursuit of Korean due to its limited practicality for foreigners, I'm content with my accomplishments and grateful for the learning experience.

What did I learn?

In my journey to learn the Korean language, I discovered the fascinating history of Hangul, the Korean alphabet, created during the Joseon Dynasty to promote literacy and communication. Despite initial difficulties, I successfully mastered Hangul within a month through self-study. I also gained insights into the challenges of pronunciation and grammar, ultimately deciding to prioritize reading and writing proficiency over spoken fluency. Through this process, I realized the importance of perseverance and adaptability in language learning, as well as the value of understanding cultural context in mastering a new language.