Operation Wholespoon

"Operation Wholespoon" is this nifty point-and-click game we cooked up using Processing. Your mission? Click your way out of the spaceship! Along the way, you'll stumble upon some cosmic secrets that space has been hiding from you.

What did I do?

This project marked my debut in the first year of school, and everything felt refreshingly new. My attention was dedicated to crafting the storyline, conjuring captivating poster art, sketching out the game levels, and diving headfirst into the intricacies of Processing. The result? A genuinely fantastic project that left me pleasantly surprised. For the poster, I wielded the magic of Photoshop and a trusty drawing tablet, conjuring up some digital art. Those level sketches I whipped up were to give the artist a clear glimpse into my vision for the game levels. As for the Processing wizardry, that was a collaborative effort with my fellow designer, Luuk Schrijver. The whole experience was a thrilling journey of discovery.

What did I learn?

This project sailed along rather smoothly, which, while fantastic, didn't provide many hiccups to learn from. Nevertheless, I did pick up some valuable lessons along the way, particularly in the realms of poster design and honing my Photoshop skills. Techniques like the vignette effect were brand new to me, and Processing as an engine was a whole new world to explore. Dealing with Processing presented its fair share of challenges and, honestly, it felt a tad bewildering at first. However, I persevered and managed to conquer some of the minor puzzles in the game, all crafted using the Processing toolset. Sketching and drawing have always been in my wheelhouse, but I did get to dip my toes into the intriguing realm of 3D drawing while working on one of the game's levels.